[CSS] float 사용시 height 인식못하는 버그 해결방법 : clearfix
자주 쓰이는 방법이지만 외울 수도 없고 매번 검색하기도 귀찮아 포스팅합니다.
/* CSS Document */ /* here follows the brillant "no-extra-markup" clearing method devised by Tony Aslett - www.csscreator.com */ /* simply add the clearfix class to any containter that must enclose floated elements */ /* read the details of how and why this works at http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html */ .clearfix:after { content: "."; /* the period is placed on the page as the last thing before the div closes */ display: block; /* inline elements don't respond to the clear property */ height: 0; /* ensure the period is not visible */ clear: both; /* make the container clear the period */ visibility: hidden; /* further ensures the period is not visible */ } .clearfix {display: inline-block;} /* a fix for IE Mac */ /* next a fix for the dreaded Guillotine bug in IE6 */ /* Hides from IE-mac \*/ * html .clearfix {height: 1%;} .clearfix {display: block;} /* End hide from IE-mac */ /* end of "no-extra-markup" clearing method */